Thursday, March 24, 2011

Action Plan 2

District Superintendent

Director of Technology Services

District IT Specialists

Campus Administrators

Campus IT Specialist

Campus Staff

Role and Responsibilities
District Superintendent: The Superintendent is responsible for overseeing all of technology to ensure district is compatible with the latest resources. He/ She also allocate funds for acquisition and implementation of technology within the district.

Director of Technology Services: This person provides research and guidance for the latest technological advances that will benefit school instruction.

District Technology Specialist: This person is in charge of providing training, support, and guidance to the campus Technology Specialist. They are also tasked with ensuring budgetary concerns are met and district systems are up to date and properly functioning.

Campus Administration: Administration is in charge of proper modeling of technology use and evaluating and monitoring the staff’s use of technology. They should monitor effective implementation of technology in instruction. Budget allocation is necessary at this level to ensure proper technology for campus use.

Campus Technology Specialist: This person is responsible for proper training of technology on the campus. Constant updating and maintenance of technology is also a responsibility for this person.

Campus Staff/ Teachers: They are responsible for modeling proper technology use for the students. They are responsible for effective implementation of technology in their instruction. They are responsible for communicating with their students, parents, co workers, and administration via technology.

Principal’s Role: The principal must fulfill his role of being the lead learner in his school by utilizing technology in the various roles of his work. He must also encourage consistent use of technology in the classroom and assist in understanding effective implementation. He must continue to look for opportunities to facilitate growth of his staff by offering professional development.

Professional Development

Our school has many crutches that we lean on at our school. We have some who pulls most of our TAKS and DBA data and gives us copies of how our students are doing. This makes us less likely to access this data and use it through our technology resources.

I believe we can construct a professional development that will give our teachers hands on experience in collecting and analyzing their data. We can use all of the data that is at our fingertips such as the CIP, TAKS/DBA scores, and the Star Chart. We can teach them how to access and analyze this data.

A developmental session can also be taught on how to identify trends and strategies that will help them affect the learning of their students. There are significant trends that when students are able to learn in ways that are relevant to them and their style of learning they drastically improves their desire to learn. Technology is a constant avenue our students drive down every day and we must teach them how to navigate the technology to increase their ability to become productive students and citizens.

Action Plan
1. Component 2. Resources 3.Monitoring/ Evaluation 4. Person(s)Responsible

1. Data Analysis Development
2. STaR Chart, AEIS, DBA’s, TAKS scores, Computers
3. The teacher will be able to properly acquire data from all sources.
The teacher will also be able to demonstrate how to form an analysis report of their students data.
The teacher will give a reflective summary on how the knowledge gained will affect future decisions in instruction.
4. IT Specialist/ Instructional Leaders/ Teacher Leaders/ Adminstrators

1. Technology integraton
2. Computers, Lesson Plans, Instructional data from content area
3. The teacher will construct a lesson plan that effectively integrates technology throughout the lesson.
The teacher will be able to explain how their specific content are will benefit from the integration of technology.
The teacher will role play with other teachers on effective technology instruction.
4. Instructional Coaches/Team Leaders/ IT Specialist.

1. Differentiating Instruction
2. Lesson Plans, Computers, Time
3. The teacher will be able to identify 5 sources of information for gathering data on differentiating instruction.
The teacher will be able to demonstrate effective differentiating instruction in their respective subject area.
The teacher will reflect upon the best methods that will be useful immediately in their classrooms.
4. Instructional Coaches, Administration, IT Specialist, Team Leaders.

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